Online Citation Management

NoodleTools is a web-based program that assists in the creation of MLA Works Cited, APA and Turabian Reference lists, and Chicago Notes that comply with the rules of the current MLA Handbook, APA Publication Manual, Chicago Manual of Style and Turabian’s A Manual for Writers.

First time users will need to be connected to RHEC’s network (using a computer in the library or computer lab, or personal device connected to our wifi) to create an account, but afterward will be able to access their account anywhere.


Helpful Links



  • Perdue University Online Writing Lab
    MLA Formatting and Citation Guide, with (left column) guidelines and examples for in-text references and works cited.
  • MLA Citation Guide
    A guide showing examples for citing sources using MLA style, provided by Radford University’s McConnell Library.
  • MLA Documentation Guide
    Guide covering the basics of formatting an MLA style paper, and documenting all types of sources, provided by the University of Wisconsin at Madison.
