Get personalized assistance at this communitywide event featuring financial aid experts from Roanoke Region colleges and universities.

Financial aid experts from area colleges and universities will be on hand to help you complete the federal (FAFSA) or state (VASA) financial aid application and answer your questions.
Participating institutions include Hollins University, Ferrum College, Radford University, Roanoke College, Virginia Tech, and Virginia Western Community College.
Who's Invited: Anyone interested in applying or learning more about the 2024-2025 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the Virginia Alternative State Aid Application (VASA) application.
When: Saturday, January 13, 2024 | 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Where: Roanoke Higher Education Center, 108 N. Jefferson Street, Roanoke, Virginia
This event is FREE but advance registration is required.
Se Habla Español – Spanish-language interpreters will be on-site to assist applicants.
PLUS: Free parking, refreshments, and door-prize drawings!
IMPORTANT –Create studentaid.gov accounts (FSA ID and password) for both the student and the parent at least one week before attending FAFSA Fire. Bring your FSA IDs and passwords to FAFSA Fire. Creating your accounts prior to FAFSA Fire will make completing the FAFSA faster and easier.
For more information, contact:
Carla L. James, PhD
Senior Director of Academic & Student Services
Roanoke Higher Education Center
(540) 767-6010