New Program Incentive Grant
Program Overview:
The Roanoke Higher Education Center allocates funds annually to support our membership with the development and implementation of new programs to be offered at the Center. Representatives of member institutions are eligible to receive a one-time contribution, from $500 up to $2,500, for a new program offering where classes/training are delivered in a face-to-face classroom or a hybrid delivery model, either for credit and/or non-credit. Current resident member institutions or an institution who has signed a lease for future programming and enrollment are eligible to apply. Funding priority will be given to undergraduate degree programs which fill gaps in current Center programming and non-credit workforce training programs that align with regional business demand and labor market data. Incentive funds may be used for:
- Course and curriculum development
- Faculty incentives
- Marketing and promotion
- Equipment and/or supplies
- Proposed programs must be delivered in either a face-to-face (including live videoconference) or hybrid format. Fully online programs will not be considered.
- If required, proposed programs must have appropriate SCHEV approval in advance of receiving incentive funding.
- All funds awarded must be consumed within two years of the award.
- Applications are accepted on a continuous bases throughout the fiscal year and reviewed in November and May.
- The amount an applicant may request is limited up to $2500.00 dollars. Approval of an incentive grant to a member institution organization in no way implies that funding will be awarded again in subsequent years to the same institution.
- The Center reserves the right to fund less than the amount requested. All funding decisions are final; the Center will not entertain appeals.
Online Application:
Complete the application below to apply for the New Program Incentive Grant.