Exam Proctoring
If you attend an out-of-state college or university, a college that does not provide testing services, or you participate in a distance learning program, the Educational Testing Center is available to proctor your exams.
The RHEC Educational Testing Center is a member of the Consortium of College Testing Centers (CCTC), a national group of college and university test centers that have come together to support distance learning by offering secure, comfortable testing conditions.
The Educational Testing Center proctors both computer-based and paper/pencil exams. We are able to accommodate most special needs and circumstances if required. The service fee for proctoring is $28.50 per examination ($53.50 for exams longer than 4 hours), payable at registration.
Click here to register and schedule your distance exam proctoring appointment.
After you make your appointment, you will need to contact your school to send the exam materials/instructions to us:
- Email – carla.jackson@education.edu
- Fax – 540-767-6012
- Mail – Attn: Carla Jackson, Roanoke Higher Education Center, 108 N. Jefferson St., Suite 216, Roanoke, VA 24016
Colleges and universities sometimes have a form that the test taker completes using our contact information. If documentation is required from our office, it is advised that all paperwork be mailed, faxed or emailed to our office well in advance of the test date.
If you have any questions, please contact the Educational Testing Center at 540-767-6011 or 540-767-6010, or via email at testing@education.edu.