Region 5 Adult Education
Roanoke Valley – Alleghany Region 5 Adult Education works with local school divisions and community partners to offer GED® Preparation and Basic Academic Skills Classes in Alleghany County, Botetourt County, Covington City, Craig County, Roanoke City, Roanoke County, and Salem City. In addition, English Language Acquisition (ELA) classes are offered in several locations across Roanoke City and Roanoke County. Region 5 is proud to offer the National External Diploma Program (NEDP) to clients who desire to earn an Adult High School Diploma by providing a portfolio of work instead of timed testing. Please note that this is a paid program.
The Roanoke Higher Education Center in downtown Roanoke is a prime location for both GED® and ELA classes, as well as serving as a GED® Enrollment & Orientation hub for the Region. At this time, the Roanoke Higher Education Center is the only GED® testing facility in the area and is utilized by all of Region 5’s students.